Team Obedience

Anne & Aahzi, Lisa, Anastasia & Suzanne
Anne & Aahzi, with Lisa, Anastasia & Suzanne
So it is not the FMBB or a national IPO event, but four of us had a fun time today at the ABMC National Specialty in team obedience. We were attired in lab coats and t-shirts with the radioactive symbol and the dogs had bandanas with radioactive element names. We were awarded first place. Tons of fun, we were all laughing (audience as well) when we disrobed and handed the lab coats off to the stewards when the off lead heeling started.

One comment on “Team Obedience

  1. When I first got my beagle buddy, I was told that I was in for a lot of pain, sfreufing, and agony as beagle’s are pretty much untrainable. How wrong they were!!! I took him to puppy school for 6wks but homeschooled him the rest of the time. My two year old Dexter can now sit, down, stay, roll-over, circle, shake, wave bye-bye, beg, dance, jump, wait patiently for me to give him the ok to eat the treat that’s two feet away from him, close drawers and cupboards, turn on and off lights (we actually won a contest because of that!), walk nicely, and stop/sit while cars go by. I love my beagle, and he has been such fun!!

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